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Bill McCormick, Author
Independent Creators Connection Quarterly Magazine

Nationally distributed by Diamond. Now promoted to Assistant Editor, Bill writes articles about, and conducts interviews with, people you should know. Each issue highlights up and coming creators as well as legends of the biz. The perfect magazine for libraries with people interested in sci-fi, fantasy, and comics.
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Bill McCormick, Author
Necronomi-RomCom: Dark Edition

What makes human hearts (and other parts) beat faster? For some, it's other humans. For others, it's tentacled creatures from beyond time and space. In this frightful Dark collection of Cthulhu mythos-inspired romcom, nineteen stories and poems, part of a duology, we meet Cthulhu's wife and children, do some gardening with a wife at the end of the world, join a women's cult, honor the beloved dead, steal cursed furniture, hook up with Nyarlathotep, and get chased by some Dark Young in pursuit of true love. This Dark tome includes many beloved Mythos creatures and a host of new ones..

Bill McCormick, Author
The Rabbit Hole Weird Stories Destination:Journey - Writers Co Op

Miggy is a toad thumper. On his world that's the lowest form of life you can be. He ignores that and continues to be happy with his toad thumper wife in their toad thumper church. This is Bill's dark spin on A Day Without a Mexican.

Bill McCormick, Author
Mekadisko - Go Fight

Mekadisko is a global entitty which, at the time of this story, controls Earth and is insinuating itself into galatic affairs. What started as a great idea for a nightclub has blossomed into a global monolith. Tikka's mom needed money so she sold her teenage daughter to Mekadisko. Tikka doesn't mind that so much, but she would really like a Lolly-Cat to keep her company on those lonely nights.

Bill McCormick, Author
The Fuckening - SciFi Lampoon Anthology

The mischievous story of the continuing adventures of Layla le Lips and Thor Liebenhammer as they begin their new quest in the Heroes Café, Bar, and Grill a/k/a The Rutting Stag and set out to kill their author.

The Fuckening in an anthology featuring twenty-three award winning and critically acclaimed authors who also happen to be world renowned experts in the field of general fuckery.

Bill McCormick, Author
Sci-fi lampoon Fall 2020

Do you remember the innocent joy you felt when you read Archie comics as a kid? Yeah, Bill kind of destroys that and turns Riverdale into a murder happy sex party. As one does from time to time.

Bill McCormick, Author

Sweetycat Press was an indie company dedictaed to showcasing writers to publishing companies, promoters, and other writers. They accepted submissions from anyone who is a member of their Facebook group and there are no fees for authors. All editorial decisions are made exclusively by them. So far they have selected McSciFi to be honored in Who's Who of Emerging Writers: 2020 and THE BOOK OF BOOKS: 2020. The latter is a compendium of, just over one hundred, must read indie novels. Both SPLICE: HIT BIT TECHNOLOGY and Goptri of the Mists made the cut. Bill is also featured in their latest release, To Be or Not To Be a Writer. This is a collection of essays about why writers write.

Bill McCormick, Author
Sci-Fi Lampoon Spring 2020

Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore. Why does Sally sell sea shells by the sea shore when the sea vomits them up for free every day? That's for her to know and you to find out. If you dare.

Bill McCormick, Author
S. Shane Thomas - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The classic tale and an anthology of twists, retellings, and sequels

AMAZON BEST SELLER Featuring the classic tale along with an anthology of twists, retellings, and sequels, this anthology completely reimagines the fabled work of Robert Louis Stevenson. Bill's entry, HANK AND EDDY: BRO WARS, ponders why Dr. Jekyll would create the formula in the first place and what kind of art Mr. Hyde would create. Yeah, it's a bit different.

Bill McCormick, Author
Just a Minor Malfunction #5

Originally titled BREASTS IN SPACE, 'George' is a scathing and satirical look at the young adult genre. An agent attempts to prove no sane person would buy exploitive crap and ends up becoming a millionaire. Her client's sister attempts to prove a bad computer could write better, and the apocalypse begins.

Bill McCormick, Author
Sci-Fi Lampoon Autumn 2019

The most fun you can have with a psychic nun, a fatal disease, and a couple of space merchants who just want to get drunk and rich.

Bill McCormick, Author
Planet Scumm Magazine - Volume #1

Now in an antholgy reprint! Korzac's just this dude who's trying to save the galaxy, fight off a cold, and not have sex with his lieutenant. Everything else is just a bonus.

Bill McCormick, Author
Gods of Clay - Sci Fi Roundtable

We all have heard that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Does this also imply that any sufficiently advanced life form would be indistinguishable from a god? For 10,000 years we have deified those life forms above us, but what happens when we ourselves have advanced to the point that we come face to face with those very beings we have worshipped, and find they too have feet of clay?

Bill McCormick, Author
100 People, 100 Stories, 100 Business Lessons To Live By - Authors Unite

AMAZON BEST SELLER Imagine if you could have one book that gave you 100 golden nuggets. Less dust. Less clutter. Just one book to always have by your side and reference whenever you need to. Well, that's The Better Business Book. It's your one-stop shop for crystal-clear business advice that you can use to grow your business and live the life you've always wanted.

Bill McCormick, Author
Bronies Gone Wild - Horrified Press

It was supposed to be Trevor's big night. But four, naked, women in a rock band seemed hell bent on ruining his meeting of the Blue Island Bronies.

Bill McCormick, Author
Trumpocalypse - Horrified Press

Thank God Donald Trump was able to rid America of silly things like governments and schools. Now a good, patriotic, American can toddle down to the local store for their flavored heroin, just like God intended.

Bill McCormick, Author
The Dogs of War - Fur Planet

Everybody loves dogs, don't they? But are you so sure dogs love us? When they get opposable thumbs, and missile launchers, you may not like the answer.

Bill McCormick, Author
Slashing Through the Snow - Azoth Khem Pub.

At the North Pole everyone's job is important, epsecially when it comes to trimming the Naughty List.

Bill McCormick, Author
Genesis Magazine

She wanted a life of geologic contemplation. What she got was wildly different and terrifying. Find out how one young lady's quest for pretty rocks led to interstellar war.

Bill McCormick, Author
Bewildering Stories - Click on Title to Read for Free

You're worried about the Illuminati? I'm worried about who controls the Illuminati.

Bill McCormick, Author
Bewildering Stories - Click on Title to Read for Free

The first story I ever had published. A DJ witnesses the apocalypse while sharing drinks with one of the terrorists who started it.

Bill McCormick, Author
Bewildering Stories - Click on Title to Read for Free

An alien comes to Earth to be its god. It goes about as well as you'd hope.

Bill McCormick, Author
Bewildering Stories - Click on Title to Read for Free

A young, mentally challenged, man recieves a letter from an editor and ends up sparking an interplanetary uprising. Winner 2013 Editor's Choice Award.

Bill McCormick, Author

The CATPUNK is an NFT brand powered by the Solana blockchain and designed by ZodiLab. There are, will be, 9,999 Catpunks of Paw City. Paw City is an imaginary world created by Bill that you can get lost in. If you want to dive in just click on THIS LINK to start reading. Just scroll down to CATPUNK FICTION on the left-hand side. Once you're done reading join CATPUNK to get the coolests NFTs on the internet.