When you click on a title card below, and you know you will, it will bring up a promotional video related to that title. They are all approximately a minute or less in length. If you want to have fun and see each video in all its glory, just click on this icon on the video player. You'll see it next to the Vimeo logo on the bottom right hand corner of the player after it pops up. Press ESC to leave full screen and return to the main screen.
Each video contains highlights related to its specific title. If you want to learn more please feel free to ask. That is also the best way to arrange interviews and/or appearances. The good news is that, prior to any public interaction, I bathe. So I'll look all shiny and new while smelling like a spring bouquet.
A lot is happening right now and the best way to stay on top of it all is to join my mailing list or bookmark my blog and check in regularly.